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The aim of this document is to provide some insight into the dynamic description of how the etheric and the physical plane are intimately linked in the expectancy and probability of events occurring in the physical through mainly the lens of the kabbalistic tradition and simple logic.

Etheric Realm:

Minerals, plants, animals and humans have physical bodies, but the means by which they exist and are alive which derives its origin from something beyond the physical. Without this external force, entropy would drive disintegration of the physical body at an exponential rate as seen after death (postmortem). If you were to trace down the physical processes of the body to its most infinitesimally small scales, this would bring us into the quantum domain. These mechanical and biological processes on a large scale have their origins in quantum jumps (this phenomenon described particles such as electrons, atoms or molecules instantaneously jumping from one energy level to another through the space between energy levels) that are utterly unpredictable and uncontrollable by physical means.

In the Kabbalistic tradition: The first sephiroth of the tree of life is called Malkhut, which represents the physical plane and manifestation, the etheric realm is the most subtle and fine aspect of the physical plane and it’s composition and substance cannot be described as matter nor energy.

This additional element is something that offsets these quantum jumps at the small scale in order to offset the forces of entropy at the larger scale. This is the etheric body (which is termed Selom in the Kabbalistic tradition and is defined as shadow which derives it origins from the fact that the etheric body is a sort of shade like reflection or a duplicate body). It is effectively a subtle energy body surrounding and mirroring the physical and shaping the quantum processes that give rise to its biological activities. In Layman’s terms, the etheric body is an energy template that heavily influences the probability of biological events that have no cause to produce ordered and intelligent life. It is simply a field made of coarse life – force energy. In mathematical terms, specifically concerning chaos theory, it is an Attractor field (a structured field made of strange attractors in this instance although there are many more):

·       To put it simply, the concept of the attractor field is used in the study of dynamical systems within the context of chaos theory and complex systems.

·       An attractor is a set of states towards which a system tends to evolve, irrespective of it’s starting conditions. Over time, the systems behavior will converge towards this strange attractor.

·       Stange Attractors are systems which follow a complex, non – repeating pattern that appears chaotic but is still deterministic in it’s nature

·       An attractor field in general refers to the overall pattern or space created by the presence of attractors (structured field) within dynamical systems. It encompasses the regions of the system’s state space that are influenced by these attractors. Essentially, it is the “landscape” in which attractors reside, showing how different states evolve and move towards attractors over time.

·       In simpler terms, imagine that the attractor field as a kind of gravitational field in this context of a dynamic system where; the field represents how the system behaves and evolves, attractors are “wells” or “points of attraction” within this field that pull the system towards them and the initial states within the field eventually move towards one of these attractors, much like objects naturally tend to move towards the lowest point in a gravitational field.

In the kabbalistic tradition: The substance of the etheric plane is called Chijut (or aether) and is defined as life force of breath or life. From the works of De Occulta Philosophia written by the Physician and Polymath Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa Von Nettesheim, he describes the ether as being the spirit of the world (Spiritus Mundi) which is the medium which connects the soul and the body of the world. The soul of the world is associated with the astral plane and is by extension connected to the mental, spiritual and divine plane. He terms the soul of the world as follows “a certain only thing filling all things, bestowing all things, binding and knitting together all things with one only breath and life”. However, the spirit of the world connects the astral plane with the physical plane (and is also termed Quintessence (Q)). On the astral plane, the intentions and thoughtforms of the students of the mysteries are charged with energy and they come into effect on the etheric plane with the help of the astral forces and from there they influence the material plane, in a way the astral creates by extension the matrix of the material world. In the tree of life, this corresponds to sephirot Jesod (which means foundation). As a result, because the etheric life force adapts the form of the astral matrix, it will by extension have significant influence over the material plane since it is also represented by the sephirot Malkhut.

Since the physical body resides in the physical environment, the etheric body must reside in an etheric environment, and just as the physical body can exist without and etheric one (which is the case with a corpse) so can the etheric body exist without the physical.

A concept known as second sight lets one view the local etheric environment. Most beginners would be able to accomplish this by entering a trance like state in between sleeping and waking, where the mind is decoupled from linear time. In such as state, you will be able to observe etheric life – forms, the respective etheric life forms around living things and lastly, etheric – thought forms which are crated as a result of mental/emotional energy being cast off of people throughout the day that continue until the diminishing frequency of sound waves as the distance between the observer and the source becomes larger.

The etheric realm as a whole can be defined as a superset of the physical plane, and the aspects or fragments which can be visualized through second sight represents only a sort of halo of the physical which extends and bridges into the etheric realm.

Taken from the perspective of the quantum viewpoint, the etheric state appears to involve the particle delocalization of the wave function and thus by extension implying that it would equally take the delocalization of your own consciousness to be able to view it through second sight.

The physical plane on the other hand which we experience with our waking consciousness is highly localized or in other words collapsed within a single focal point within a confined space, whereas the etheric plane exists in a sort of diffused state, sort of like the tranced consciousness required to perceive it. The essence of this diffuseness is what allows the etheric body to be able to shape quantum events such as the ability to manipulate probability due to the nature of its structure allowing for multiple different possibilities to exist within a liminal space as opposed to being highly localized within the physical plane.

Reverting back to the definition of the etheric body, we remember that since it is defined and exists as a sort of shade or reflection of the physical body, we can deduce that the existing etheric plane acts as a sort of mirror world by extension, which many clairvoyants have confirmed through personal experience. It should be noted that the etheric body not only mirrors the physical in the literal sense but rather, it also is perceived as showing things in reverse, such as time and space etc. This phenomenon involves a more complex blend and relationship to the astral in regards to the effect onto the physical, further obscured by the fact that what is seen through second sight is what the individual mind deciphers of the energy patters constituting non- corporeal etheric life forms which in turn is biased by our own personal lexicon of symbolic visuals.

Therefore, by extension, the things which we see in the etheric are much closer to reality than what you would perhaps see in the astral plane.

Considering, that the etheric realm is a mirror world of the physical realm in a complete sense of the word, where time intervals in polarly opposite of the physical, we can begin to see on how it is possible to bias probability through it. Since probabilities in this case deal with the likelihood of probably futures and quantum events being shaped in certain ways meaning that they have to attracted to certain probable and repelled from the latter less probable futures. There is some sort of resonance to be found between the current way the quantum system is set up and you presently most strongly attracted probable future, alluding to the fact that is encoded into the etheric field and acts upon the physical by tugging on it from the direction of the future (It is an influence that stems from our perceived future and flows backwards in time).

To illustrate the point, say that you were given 5 probable futures which ae all sending their influences back in time and intersect you at the present. Logically, the choice that you personally feel the most draw towards is the probable future with the most reverse – time attractive force, although despite this fact you still need to take into account free which would still grant you the ability to choose the other of the 4 less alternative possible futures, especially if the strongest possible future is quite bad. This would also require considerable willpower in order to achieve your desired possible outcome. Etherically you are resonant with the strongest of your immediate futures.

Furthermore, Habit’s and addiction have an etheric basis because repeated behaviors generate a kind of momentum in the etheric plane that biases probability toward the continuation and reinforcement of that behavior. This repeated spawn of behavior overtime will also imprint the etheric blueprint for similar activities and behaviors to take place within that space, regardless of whether or not the same person who created this etheric imprint is still occupying it.

So, in essence, the transfer of etheric patterns on individual who closely interact with the one who generates it and the continued residence in a local where the etheric imprint is strong from repetitive action will cause you to start attracting those things associated with it. In addition, etheric entities can be latched onto you by a skilled enough practitioner in order to alter things such as your behavior, health and the probability of experiencing or biasing the probability of certain possible key events.

In conclusion, we have determined that the matters of the etheric are intrinsically involved with probability.




Edited by Zoroaster
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