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Hermeticism is defined as a dichotomy between the philosophical and religious systems of worship based off the purported teaching of Hermes Trismegistus (A Hellenistic period conflation of two mythological demigods from Greek and Egyptian society namely, Hermes and Thoth).

Extending this definition further to include a more practical understanding of Hermes Trismegistus’s teachings uncovers a rather scientific basis to this ingenious discovery.

It commenced with particle physics, which discovered upon investigation of the dual nature (“dualism of nature”) of the particles and electrons which could both simultaneously interact with its surroundings as a wave and a particle.

 Another question was proposed and yielded a fascinating concept; the results of this experiment are influenced by the experimenter himself.

People who possess their own consciousness unwittingly drive nature under them. Everything in the universe is one.

The fundamental cornerstone of Hermeticism lies in the idea of the seven principles uncovered by Hermes Trismegistus:

1.      All is mind, the universe is entirely mental (the first of the seven ascribes this definition unto itself; on a fundamental basis, all is mental regarding the fact that the phenomena of all life, matter and energy of the material universe are in fact thoughts of an infinite and all expansive, living universal mind).

It all began with particle physics, which upon further investigation discovered the dual nature (“dualism of nature”) of particles and electrons which could both simultaneously interact with its surroundings as a wave and a particle.

Another question arose, which uncovered a fascinating concept, the results of this experiments are influenced by the experimenter himself.

People who possess their own consciousness unwittingly drive nature under them.

Everything in the universe is one.

2.      As above, so below; as below, so above (the second of the seven derives its meaning by being an axiom, which has its basis in something called the Principle of Correspondence, which states that everything is intrinsically and extrinsically connected. To put it simply, whatever it is that occurs in the physical, shall in turn affect the mental and thus the spiritual, a trickle-down effect of sorts and vice versa).

Every man, woman and child today, living on this earth is convinced to varying degrees that we live in a solely material world, that our own bodies are objectively real and so is everything we see around us.

The soul is initially projected into the form of a holographic image, and based on this image it builds its specific body. Let’s say that under the assumption that we are all holograms, every manifestation is a representation of the reality that we believe is around us, a holographic world of our design.

In every existing particle there is information about the whole, and vice versa- the whole is contained in every particle.

The word Holography translated from Greek means (holos-whole+count-write). Th science of holograms seeks to understand a way of recording information into third – dimensional imagery and by extension the same can be applied to us as individuals, since we live in three-dimensional world. Holography forms a perception of image and store and process information.

3.      Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates (The third of the seven is as such, this is defined as the principle of vibration. If anything at a point is in a state of complete rest, then from the observer’s perspective, in this case the point, time flows at an infinite speed relative to light, containing within itself the entirety of all potential energy pertaining to information and energy etc. The magnitude of this point is zero on account of the enormous amount of gravity surrounding it.

And so, for absolutely every movement and oscillation, irrespective of speed, time happens within certain parameters. Only when it is perfectly at rest, the very though of an end in cooperation with movement stifles it and relegates it to being limited by time.

Whatever vibrates, many have ascribed over the millennia different names to this creature, the scientist calls it energy, the metaphysician says its spirit and the believer God. Whatever you choose to call this reality is of no importance, rather the fact that it exists, and its vibrating frequencies determine the form of the manifestation is ultimately an expression derived from the One power.

4.      Everything has its pair of opposites (The fourth of the seventh is as so, everything has two poles and perpetually exists in a state of duality. Uncovering its true nature further reveals that opposites are relatively similar with relatively small varying degrees of change that distinguish them.

From the point of view of nothingness or the source, it nothing and is denoted as being (0), but for nothingness to be able to contemplate itself it becomes increasingly clear that it must become something. As soon as it becomes something, it is immediately divided into two parts – plus and minus. Therefore, it can be concurred that these are indeed the two elements that are opposed in a single whole.

With the following in mind, a trinity can be inferred and created containing nothing, a zero point and its 2 opposites thus forming the well-known sign (Y). However, to reiterate, the manifestation in of itself always remains one, even though it contains the aspects of a counterweight which in this instance are its two opposites.

The sum of collected energies and a vibration that vibrates within a certain range can be procured from it’s two opposites (plus and minus) in which the space between serves as a medium for this very oscillation or the movement of where the manifestation takes place. Its shape has been said to be a spiral in a spindle – shaped form. It flows with little to no viscosity or resistance in between this space from plus to minus and vice versa, in an un-interruptive fashion when taking into consideration the wave function.

Classical mechanics postulates that a vacuum is formally defined as the space that remains after all the particles from the vessel have been removed and the vessel itself is also taken to temperatures to absolute zero. This definition becomes less relevant as Quantum Physics changes this notion with considerations taken into account about all things containing fields have fluctuations regardless, and at any moment their true value changes around a constant average, even in an ideal vacuum at absolute zero, where there are fields known as vacuum fluctuations.

Returning to the original first principle which describes the conscious observer influencing the outcome of experiments and his surroundings, if we take the example of an excited atom, it will not remain in this state indefinitely, eventually after a spontaneous emitting of photons of light, the atom returns to its ground state. This process is entirely consequential of the vacuum fluctuations that were previously mentioned.

5.      The Principle of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in (Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates)

Rhythm is everywhere. Everyone feels it and influences everything. Some say that it is a very ancient universal language for communication between individual universes. But we will look at it on a more local level. As we well know, the main parameter of rhythm is frequency. It has a range, and the main components of the rhythm are the Metrum (pulsation) and the rhythmic repetitions that stick in our minds. The principle of rhythm manifests itself at the beginning and end, in the stars, the cosmos, people, animals, mind, energy and matter. Ancient Hermeticists discovered its universal application and found a way to avoid calling it negative effects. The pendulum swings at the same speed left and right, that is, it jumps from one opposite to the other. But the great masters could master themselves in such a way that they entered a state of rest and neutralized the rhythmic swing of the pendulum that would send them into the other polarity.

The principle is very closely related to the 4th principle of opposites. The very idea of the pendulum is an example of the movement of energy from the plus to the minus and from the minus to the plus. That is, that it can never remain on one side only and constantly moves from one to the other. The very oscillation right between the two sides is called the striving for manifestation and at the same time, resistance to having manifestation at all. Accordingly, the focus on one of the two, on the choice, the desire to be or not, returns the movement of energy to the corresponding equilibrium point.

6.      Cause and Effect (Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens in accordance with the Law; Coincidence is nothing but the name of the Law, which is not known; there are many levels of causation, but nothing escapes the Law. “)

In Hinduism and Buddhism, their interpretation of this principle is described through the concept called Karma, which is defined as the executed, work or action, and is also the object or intent behind such actions. Naturally, having good karma is complicit with having good intentions behind the actions that generate it and vice versa for bad karma, which in addition to it having been created as a result of ill or unmindful thinking, will have to be worked through in this life or your next.

(“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit will reap eternal life.”)  Galatians 6:7 – 8

7.      Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes."

Any manifestation, mental, spiritual or material, is impossible to exist without this principle. We ourselves decide which picture to experience and thus both to want and not to want, we still focus on one of the opposites. And the interesting thing is that the opposite itself is also a manifestation again with two polarities, and again it is right to make a choice.

In fact, these series of choices, forms like a „Family Tree “, all the branches are connected, and it is necessary to have both male and female principles present in it. Thus, each collision, let's say it with another manifestation, which, as we talked about, has its own individual frequency, creates additional restrictions (filters, grids, barriers, doubts) that stick to the frequency of the restriction.

We can observe the dance of masculine and feminine energy in the creation of atoms by means of the union of electrons or corpuscles. Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, alteration, repulsion, chemical affinity, and the opposite, as well as other physical phenomena, are manifested by the union of positive and negative charges combined with vibration.

To briefly explain, hermeticists view masculine energy as being penetrative, assertive, progressive, conquesting and actively directing its inherent energy towards its female counterpart. In other words, the masculine is symbiotically associated entirely with the will.

The feminine energy on the other hand, is described as receptive, sacred, treasured. Protective and all around having its top priority towards nourishing what is most essential to life. The feminine energy’s explicit associated with receiving its’s male counterparts’ impressions for the purpose of generating new thoughts, concepts and ideas through the work of imagination.

To the ones who hath become enlightened, the final principle of cause and effect is perhaps one of the greatest tools to take back control over one’s life. Using this simple principle of cause and effect, in conjunction with the principles of mentalism and vibration, the knowledgeable can dominate his or her own moods, characteristics, qualities, and power.


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So you find hermeticism almost everywhere in esoterism. Even in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Hermeticism has significantly influenced various religious, philosophical, and scientific traditions. During the Renaissance, it experienced a revival and influenced notable figures such as Marsilio Ficino, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, and Giordano Bruno. Elements of Hermeticism can also be found in modern esoteric movements, including Theosophy, the Rosicrucians, and contemporary New Age spirituality.

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